How to Buy Cuban Cigars Online

Jan 29, 2025

Cuban cigars have long been regarded as the gold standard in the world of premium cigars, thanks to their rich heritage, exceptional quality, and unique flavor profiles. For aficionados and newcomers alike, the process of buying Cuban cigars online can seem intimidating. However, with the right knowledge and resources, purchasing these luxurious cigars has never been easier. This guide aims to provide you with all the essential information on how to buy Cuban cigars online confidently.

The Allure of Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are often synonymous with luxury and sophistication. These cigars are made from the finest tobacco leaves, meticulously grown and hand-rolled in Cuba's rich soil. The allure of Cuban cigars can be attributed to several factors:

  • Quality: Each cigar is crafted with high-quality, aged tobacco that enhances the flavor and aroma.
  • Heritage: Cuban cigars have a long-standing history of craftsmanship and tradition, making them sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.
  • Diverse Selection: With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and blends, there is a Cuban cigar for every palate.

Why Buy Cuban Cigars Online?

Buying Cuban cigars online offers several advantages:

  1. Convenience: Shop from the comfort of your home.
  2. Variety: Access a broader selection than local shops might offer.
  3. Competitive Pricing: Online retailers often provide better prices due to lower overhead costs.
  4. Reviews: Read customer reviews to help choose the best cigars.

Finding a Reputable Online Retailer

When searching for how to buy Cuban cigars online, the first step is finding a reputable online retailer. Here are some tips to ensure you're purchasing from a trustworthy source:

1. Look for Established Retailers

Choose well-known retailers like Established companies often have a proven track record of quality and reliability.

2. Check for Authenticity Guarantees

Reputable sellers guarantee their products' authenticity, providing proof that the cigars are genuine Cuban. Look for specific certifications or testimonials.

3. Read Customer Reviews

Customer feedback is invaluable. Check reviews and ratings to gauge past customers' experiences. High ratings and positive reviews are indicators of reliability.

4. Evaluate Shipping and Return Policies

Ensure the retailer has reasonable shipping costs and clear return policies. Quality retailers stand by their products and offer refunds or replacements if necessary.

What to Look for When Buying Cuban Cigars Online

Understanding what to look for can greatly enhance your online shopping experience. Here are key factors to consider when buying Cuban cigars:

1. Cigar Type and Size

Cuban cigars come in various types and sizes, including:

  • Robustos: Short and thick, ideal for a quick smoke.
  • Pirinchos: A robust flavor in a smaller format.
  • Double Coronas: Long, large cigars that provide a lengthy smoking experience.

2. Flavor Profiles

Different brands offer unique flavors, ranging from sweet and mild to strong and spicy. Explore brands like Montecristo, Cohiba, and Partagas to find a flavor that suits your preference.

3. Packaging Information

Ensure that the cigars are resold in proper packaging (including humidors or sealed boxes) to maintain freshness and quality during shipping.

How to Ensure Quality When Buying Cuban Cigars Online

It’s crucial to ensure the quality of the cigars you are purchasing online. Here are key tips:

1. Inspect Product Images

Reputable sites will provide clear and detailed images of the cigars. Look for signs of damage or imperfections.

2. Investigate Storage Conditions

Proper storage conditions are essential for maintaining the flavor and integrity of cigars. Ensure that the retailer stores their cigars in a controlled environment.

3. Pay Attention to Shipping Practices

Good retailers will use protective packaging to ensure cigars are not damaged in transit. Confirm that the shipping process includes temperature-controlled methods if necessary.

The Ordering Process: Step by Step

Now that you're equipped with knowledge on how to buy Cuban cigars online, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Browse the Selection

Visit and browse the available selection of Cuban cigars. Utilize filtering options to narrow down your search based on type, brand, and price.

Step 2: Choose Your Cigars

Select the cigars you wish to purchase. Pay attention to any recommendations based on your preferences.

Step 3: Add to Cart

Add your selected cigars to your virtual cart. Review your choices to ensure you haven’t missed anything.

Step 4: Check Out

Proceed to checkout where you will enter shipping information and payment details. Ensure that the payment method is secure.

Step 5: Confirmation

After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email. Keep this for your records.

Understanding Customs Regulations

Before making your purchase, it’s important to understand the regulations regarding shipping Cuban cigars to your country. Be aware that:

  • Some countries have restrictions: Research local laws to ensure compliance.
  • Import Duties and Taxes: Be prepared for potential fees upon receipt of your cigars.

Storing Your Cuban Cigars

Once you have your Cuban cigars, proper storage is essential to maintain their quality. Here’s how to store them correctly:

1. Use a Humidor

A humidor is a specially designed box that regulates humidity, keeping cigars fresh. It's the best method for long-term storage.

2. Maintain Optimal Humidity Levels

A humidity level of 65-72% is ideal for preserving the cigars' flavors and aromas.

3. Monitor Temperature

The ideal temperature for storing cigars is between 65°F to 70°F. Use a hygrometer to ensure accuracy.


Buying Cuban cigars online can be an enjoyable experience when you are well-informed. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate the online market for Cuban cigars. Remember to select a reputable retailer like, pay attention to quality indicators, and ensure you’re compliant with local laws and regulations.

Embrace the rich heritage and exceptional quality of Cuban cigars today, and savor the experience one luxurious puff at a time!